Monday, August 3, 2015


I have been a victim of a time-burglary, leaving me mere moments in my schedule to get this message to you. So forgive the Simon Furman-level of word economy when you all deserve a James Roberts-sized essay. My love for you has not diminished in any way.
Pre-Order Price for an A4 Black & White HEAD/SHOULDERS shot (20 available) is£25

To be eligible for these, all you need to do is:

* Reply in the comments section below,
* State YOUR name, the name of the CHARACTER you want, and an idea of the day you'll be available to collect the piece.
* Sorry, no fan/original characters, but feel free to request non-TF characters!
* PLEASE only order a sketch if you will be able to attend to pick it up, and, you know, pay for it.
* The numbers available are as stated above. Once they've been filled, please don't send any more requests unless further slots become available.
* I will be providing more sketches AT Auto-Assembly. I tend to get booked up VERY quickly there, but if you don't want to commission me here and now, you could take your chance at the show.

See you there where I can be elusive about Sins Of The Wreckers to your face.