Friday, August 12, 2016


And a new price point for something different this year. I've found more and more that a head sketch turns into... well, something more. I run away with the sketches, but end up charging the same for extra detail and work. Alan Sugar would FIRE my ass for that.

With that in mind, I'm taking on TORSO sketches at TFNation this year. Ooh La La, indeed. These are waist-up half figure sketches, with AT LEAST one limb and/or interesting background element. These are going for £60 each, but hopefully you'll enjoy the bang you receive for your UK buck.

Here's how to get on THAT list...
Pre-Order Price for an A4 Black & White TORSO ONLY shot (10 available) is £60

To be eligible for these, all you need to do is:

* Reply in the comments section below,
* State YOUR name, the name of the CHARACTER you want, and an idea of the day you'll be available to collect the piece.
* Sorry, no fan/original characters, but feel free to request non-TF characters!
* PLEASE only order a sketch if you will be able to attend to pick it up, and, you know, pay for it.
* The numbers available are as stated above. Once they've been filled, please don't send any more requests unless further slots become available.
* I will be providing more sketches AT TFNation. I tend to get booked up VERY quickly there, but if you don't want to commission me here and now, you could take your chance at the show.

Let's see how this goes as an experiment, eh? 

Looking forward to seeing you!


Hey guys! TFNation! One week's time! All-New, All-Different, Always running behind! I'll have exclusive NEW prints for sale (more soon) and a new batch of colour cover More Than Meets The Eye/Sins Of The Wreckers prints, all at around £10 each.

But for the original art collector in your life...
Pre-Order Price for an A4 Black & White HEADSHOT ONLY shot (20 available) is£35

To be eligible for these, all you need to do is:

* Reply in the comments section below,
* State YOUR name, the name of the CHARACTER you want, and an idea of the day you'll be available to collect the piece.
* Sorry, no fan/original characters, but feel free to request non-TF characters!
* PLEASE only order a sketch if you will be able to attend to pick it up, and, you know, pay for it.
* The numbers available are as stated above. Once they've been filled, please don't send any more requests unless further slots become available.
* I will be providing more sketches AT TFNAtion. I tend to get booked up VERY quickly there, but if you don't want to commission me here and now, you could take your chance at the show.

As always at these things, I'm just as excited as you are, so just pop along and have a chat with me!

Monday, August 1, 2016


Dublin Comic Con is THIS WEEKEND! Muy excite. First time doing it, as usually various other conventions and their siphoning of my time as precluded me from doing so. I've only heard good things, and what's not to love? Sure, there are some of them media guests - aggressively attractive humans who have honed genetics and talent into a career - but it's a comic con that's a comic con. Lots of actual comics guests, including James Roberts off of Transformers. Hope the tension between us doesn't spill over into actual frenetic physical interaction.

The website for the show is here:  Check out that genuiney great guest line-up. Here's the timetable for the show too: I'm on a Transformers panel with James early on Saturday and a writer/artist one with Stephen Mooney on Saturday:

So, commissions anyone? Prices and samples below! As you can see, up for anything really, not just the robots. Order now, get 'em on the day! I'll be at the show from 11am-onwards on Saturday, and all day Sunday.

Pre-Order Price for an A4 Black & White HEAD/SHOULDERS shot (15 available) is €35

To be eligible for these, all you need to do is:

* Reply in the comments section below,
* State YOUR name, the name of the CHARACTER you want, and an idea of the day you'll be available to collect the piece.
* Sorry, no fan/original characters, but feel free to request non-TF characters!
* PLEASE only order a sketch if you will be able to attend to pick it up, and, you know, pay for it.
* The numbers available are as stated above. Once they've been filled, please don't send any more requests unless further slots become available.

Check out the samples of other sketches below. I'll also have original MTMTE artwork for sale - including Season 2 Covers! - as well as prints.

Let's be 'avin' you, Dublin.